Tuesday, September 29, 2009

State Fair Pics... really really late

So this is from August again, but we are having trouble keeping up with pics right now. Anyway shortly after school started the State Fair started, and yes true to my redneck nature and need to go, we pulled the kids out of school and went to the fair. Yes I told them the kids were sick, and no I don't feel bad about it. I'm not the only one that did this and I don't care. We had fun. Everytime we go somewhere Izzy wants to get her face painted, so first thing this is what we did. Xander was not really sure what to think of this. As you can see. Dimon was annoyed he couldn't be right in the way to watch the painting. Later in the day we had to wash it off because it was itching but this is a picture of her with Miss Indiana. Cute huh! We rode an elephant after watching the kids first circus, and then at the end of the day you can see the result, Xan is asleep in that picture.We had a blast and I will do again next year!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

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